SynBio Newsreel, July

There was a lot of news this month. Enjoy!

Northwestern News:

  • The Communicating Science Convention (ComSciCon) in Chicago is coming up! If you’re in Chicago on Saturday August 6, I highly recommend you attend the keynote, where Emily Graslie will talk about how she and her team at the Field Museum engage with the public about science online.

Protein engineering:

Genetic circuits:

CRISPR/Gene Editing:


  • BioPartsDB: software that helps you design and build your own large DNA sequences from overlapping oligos.
  • ATLAS of Biochemistry: an online map of all known and predicted metabolites, and all known and predicted enzymatic pathways to produce them.

Building biology to understand it

Industry news:

Synbio community news:

Cool iGEM projects